Hvordan kan NRK styrke demokratiet?
NRK skal være uavhengig og balansert og jobbe for å styrke folks mulighet til å delta i demokratiske prosesser, foreslår regjeringen. Hva mener du?
The business of participation
Media industry executives see the active user as a strategic asset, Espen Ytreberg argues.
Post-impartiality: BBC journalism and the Internet
The BBC’s journalism has become more diverse and the old model of impartiality has been replaced by a new post-impartiality, Georgina Born argues.
Public service broadcasting in the fight over net neutrality
Public service broadcasters might run into problems as the Internet becomes a more important distribution platform for them, Tanja Storsul says.
Public service from broadcasting to communication
Public service communication is an umbrella term for a variety of new and traditional communication activities, Jackie Harrison says.
European communication spaces and digital broadcasting
By using online media, public service broadcasters can enable communication across national borders in Europe, Barbara Thomass says.
Public service and the Internet: a strategy
A public service broadcaster that can mobilize audience as participants and remake itself as a portal for public cultural institutions, will deliver a convincing argument for its continued existence, says Graham Murdock.
Does media participation promote democracy?
During his ten years in office Tony Blair has opened up public debate in Britain to broader participation, argues Brian McNair.
Svensk journalist fengslet i 2000 dager
Den svensk-eritreiske journalisten Dawit Isaak har nå sittet 2000 dager i fengsel i Eritrea. Seks svenske kulturredaktører krever i et felles opprop handling fra Sveriges regjering.