Skriv inn postnummeret ditt, få data om lokale tilbud

Mer om de britiske vyene for viderebruk av offentlige data.

Fri­givelsen av kart­da­ta i Storbri­tan­nia, som jeg skrev om i går, settes her inn i sin kon­tekst i et inn­legg sign­ert Tim Bern­ers-Lee og Nigel Shadbolt:

We have demon­strat­ed that we can inte­grate a whole range of data about your post­code — rang­ing from crime sta­tis­tics to recy­cling, from trav­el times and timeta­bles to adult edu­ca­tion and health­care pro­vi­sion. We have shown that free­ing data is prac­ti­cal and eco­nom­ic to do.(…) Maybe some­one uses the web to show schools close to you and their Ofst­ed reports, or the plan­ning appli­ca­tions that might affect you, or the allot­ments avail­able to use, or the crime rates in your area. Data is begin­ning to dri­ve the Government’s web­sites. But with­out a con­sis­tent pol­i­cy to make it avail­able to oth­ers, with­out the use of open stan­dards and unre­stric­tive licences for reuse, infor­ma­tion stays com­part­men­talised and its full val­ue is lost. Open­ly avail­able pub­lic data not only cre­ates eco­nom­ic and social cap­i­tal, it also cre­ates bot­tom-up pres­sure to improve pub­lic ser­vices. Data is essen­tial in enabling cit­i­zens to choose between pub­lic ser­vice providers. It helps them to com­pare their local ser­vices with ser­vices else­where. It enables all of us to lob­by for improve­ment. Pub­lic data is a pub­lic good. 

The Guardian skriv­er at beslut­nin­gen om å fri­gi kart­da­ta ble tatt på topp­nivå i reg­jerin­gen. Det er nå stan­dard prak­sis å vur­dere fri­givelse av offentlig sek­tors datak­ilder (selvsagt med unntak av persondata):

Gov­ern­ment sources at the sem­i­nar at No 10 indi­cat­ed that the con­cept of mak­ing non-per­son­al gov­ern­ment data free is now a stan­dard con­sid­er­a­tion when exam­in­ing datasets that have been collected.



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